Saturday, November 10, 2012

Gilmore Girls

I LOVE the Gilmore Girls television series! When Elyse was 19, she had just returned home from a year of living in New York. While she was searching for a job, she spent several days a weeks hanging out in my classroom assisting struggling students. We had a very special relationship and the other teachers referred to us as the Gilmore Girls. While I was living in New York, my "Gubby," gay hubby, bought me all seven seasons of the show. I always planned to sit down on a break from school and watch them all back-to-back. It never happened. About six months ago, I cancelled my cable service. I now have no access to cable or network TV. I have reduced myself to DVD's. The only problem is that I don't have an abundance of DVD's. At last I would finally take the wrappers off the boxes and begin my Gilmore Girls marathon. I'm not sure why I had stopped watching the show, but I had never seen the last three seasons, so I was anxious to work my way through seasons 1 -4 to see how it all ended. Each evening I would watch a couple of episodes. Finally, I reached season 5. I decided that I had to make watching it special. I took an entire weekend off from babysitting, shopping or school work, so that I could give it my full attention. I didn't get out of my pajamas for a day and a half. I lived off my favorite junk food: Lay's potato chips, onion dip, BLT, Brach's cinnamon hearts, popcorn and yes, Lima Beans. It was a wonderful weekend! I loved how their imaginary life played out and I could see myself and Elyse in their relationship. Almost six months later, I have watched every episode again several times, "Oy with the poodles already."

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